Going Out of Order

Can you look at this photo and see what's unusual about it?
Yes, you might think, well it's the colors! (you're thinking "I would never put those together" 🤣). I did choose the unusual (but not to me) green and orange. I usually vacillate between these two colors for my projects and this time they are happily together. So much so, that for the 1st time, I was actually sorry the project was over, I had such a good time knitting this happy Luumi Cardigan (link at yarn pages).
I had my challenges, I held TWO lace weights together, KnitWise Fibers Squish Silk Lace. So, with the striping, I had FOUR balls of lace weight to keep straight (you could easily use two colors of fingering yarn). I used two of my trusty Fuzzy Goat Oh, Snap bags to put two balls of one color in each bag, with the snaps keeping the strands in their lanes. I usually pull from the center but I did discover that I could go much faster in this situation by pulling from the outside = less time detangling the middle of the center pull ball. Then I just needed to move my two Oh, Snap bags around each other. All this rode very handily in my Funky Project Bag with its wide opening.
Tools I used that made it all so much more fun:
- Work Until . . . Measuring Tape kept me from pulling out my measuring tape all the time
- Chain Row Counter, to keep track of the rows at the neck and also the cuffs
- Circular Stitch Holders to hold my sleeve stitches while I work the body
- Stitch Stoppers to keep the stitches on the needles
- 12" needle for the sleeves
- Awesome tool for picking up dropped stitches
- My Jogless Stripe video
Are you still thinking about what's unusual about my photo of my sweater? I went out of order! I was too excited to pick and sew on my buttons! So instead of doing the whole button band AFTER each of the sleeves, like we're directed to do in the pattern, I jumped right to the button band before I even started on the sleeves. After my first finishing of the button band, I then knit one sleeve. I wasn't happy with the button holes I made and I also bound off too tight. After finishing one sleeve, I turned to fixing my button band, this time doing a simple yarn-over, knit-2-together type of button hole and then did the same Jeny's Stretchy Bind Off that I did on the body and the sleeves.
I love my British Buttons, and the whole sweater is now done and will make me so happy to wear it! 🧡💚
This sweater filled a hole I had in my wardrobe, a lightweight sweater, that I could put in my backpack for when I need a quick layer. I'm going to snag The Kid bag to keep it tidy in my bag.
My pattern is at the yarn product page found here
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