Needle Felting: Our Favorite Jabby Little Craft

We've got some new kits in! While we wait for new yarns to be dyed up it was quicker to get this form of fiber into the shop. We got in a fun range of Scottish and British, girl-made kits. You might want to try:
A sleepy fox, bee, otters or a hedgehog in a hoop 'painting with wool style'
or making a mini masterpiece cottage 'painting'

or grabbing a stick from your yard and create woodland toadstools - no foraging necessary!
jump start your spring fun with 3D bees, hearts and flowers
or try a free-form style with our starter kit and our Needle Felting for Beginners book.
we've restocked our wool felting mats too. We haven't been able to get these for few years. They give you the perfect amount of support when using it as a work surface for needle felted sculptures and wool paintings.
One of the things I love about needle felting is fits right in with my "easy to do over" philosophy. If you're not thrilled with how it's turning out, you can peel off the piece of felt and move it over and poke it again. Even Mr. Fuzzy Goat, who by his own admission is not very crafty, has loved making a needle felted owl.
It's so satisfying with all that jabbing, you can really work out your feelings. The more you jab, the more solid your piece becomes. You'll inevitably poke yourself, so be fair warned.
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